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  第一条 为加强古树名木的保护管理,根据国家有关规定及本市实际情况,制定本办法。
  第二条 本办法所称古树,是指树龄在100年以上的树木。
  第三条 古树名木实行分级保护。
  第四条 县级以上人民政府林业、园林绿化行政主管部门依照本级人民政府规定的职责,负责本行政区域内古树名木的保护管理工作。
  第五条 古树名木由市人民政府确认,报省林业、园林绿化行政主管部门备案。
  第六条 古树名木行政主管部门应当加强对古树名木保护的技术推广,普及保护知识,提高保护和管理水平。
  第七条 古树名木行政主管部门应当对本行政区域内的古树名木进行调查登记、鉴定分级、建立档案、设立标志、制定保护措施、划定保护范围、确定管护责任。
  第八条 编制城乡建设规划应当在古树群周围划定绿线,保护古树群的生长环境和风貌。
  第九条 古树名木的管护责任,按下列规定承担:(一)生长在城市公共绿地、公园、游园广场的古树名木,由园林绿化专业养护管理部门管护;(二)生长在公路、水库和河道用地管理范围内的古树名木,分别由公路、水库和河道管理部门管护;(三)生长在风景名胜区内的古树名木,由风景名胜区管理部门管护;(四)散生在各单位管界内及个人庭院中的古树名木,由所在单位和个人管护;(五)生长在农村集体所有土地上的古树名木,由所在村委会负责管护。
  第十条 古树名木管护费用由管护责任单位或者责任人负担。保护管理古树名木确有困难的责任单位或责任人,可以向古树名木行政主管部门申请补助。
  第十一条 古树名木的管护责任单位或责任人,应当按照古树名木行政主管部门规定的管护措施实施养护管理,保证古树名木的正常生长。
  第十二条 禁止下列损害古树名木的行为:(一)刻划、钉钉、缠绕绳索、架设电线;(二)攀树、折枝、挖根或者剥损树枝、树干、树皮;(三)依树盖房、搭棚或者借用树干做支撑物;(四)擅自采摘树叶、果实和种子;(五)距树冠垂直投影5米内挖坑取土、动用明火、排放烟气、倾倒污水污物、堆放危害树木生长的物料、修建建筑物或者构筑物;(六)擅自砍伐、修剪、移植、转让买卖;(七)其他损害古树名木的行为。
  第十三条 生产生活设施妨碍、危害古树名木生长的,由古树名木行政主管部门责令有关单位或者个人限期采取措施消除危害。
  第十四条 建设项目在进行规划、设计、施工时,应当对古树名木采取避让保护措施。避让保护措施应当由建设单位报经古树名木行政主管部门批准;未经批准的,不得施工。
  第十五条 因重点工程项目建设,需要迁移古树名木的,应当按照下列规定向林业、园林绿化行政主管部门提出申请:(一)迁移一级古树名木的,向省林业、园林绿化行政主管部门提出申请;(二)迁移二级、三级古树名木的,向县级以上人民政府林业、园林绿化行政主管部门提出申请。
  第十六条 提出迁移古树名木申请时,必须提交下列相关材料:(一)申请书;(二)建设项目批准文件;(三)迁移方案。其中,古树名木属集体或者个人所有的,方案中必须有迁移补偿协议。
  第十七条 林业、园林绿化行政主管部门自受理迁移申请之日起,应当在20个工作日之内对申请文件和迁移方案进行初审,并将初审意见和申请材料报上一级林业、园林绿化行政主管部门审核。
  第十八条 任何单位和个人都有保护古树名木及其附属设施的义务。对损伤、破坏古树名木的行为,有权劝阻、检举和控告。鼓励单位和个人通过多种方式参与古树名木的保护管理。
  第十九条 古树名木行政主管部门应当对管护古树名木成绩显著的单位或个人给予表彰和奖励。
  第二十条 违反本办法有关规定,非法采伐、毁坏古树名木构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任;尚未构成犯罪的,由林业、园林绿化行政主管部门责令其停止违法行为,没收违法所得,并按照下列规定予以处罚:(一)砍伐一级古树名木的,按每株处以15万元以上20万元以下罚款;砍伐二级古树名木的,按每株处以10万元以上15万元以下罚款;砍伐三级古树名木的,按每株处以5万元以上10万元以下罚款;(二)有本办法第十二条违法行为的,责令其停止违法行为,恢复原状,并处以500元以上5000元以下罚款。情节严重,导致古树名木死亡的,属一级古树名木的,按每株处以10万元以上15万元以下罚款;属二级古树名木的,按每株处以5万元以上10万元以下罚款;属三级古树名木的,按每株处以1万元以上5万元以下罚款。
  第二十一条 在古树名木保护和管理工作中,林业、园林绿化行政主管部门因保护管理措施不力,或者其工作人员滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守导致古树名木损伤或者死亡的,由其所在单位或上级主管部门对直接和相关责任人员给予行政处分。
  第二十二条 本办法自发布之日起施行。











  无过错责任原则的特点是在确定侵权责任时,不考虑行为人是否有过错,也无需推定行为人具有过错,但其适用范围由法律特别规定。《民法通则》第106条第3款规定: “没有过错,但法律规定应当承担民事责任的,应当承担民事责任。”《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》第7条规定:“行为人损害他人民事权益,不论行为人有无过错,法律规定应当承担侵权责任的,依照其规定”是我国关于无过错责任原则的规定。







Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated on September 18, 1985)
With the development of our foreign trade, international exchanges and
tourisms, more ports will be opened. These Provisions are formulated in
order to strengthen the work in the examination and approval for opening
ports to foreign countries.
1. The term "ports" referred to in these Provisions denotes the harbours,
airports, stations, thoroughfares, etc., which are used for personnel,
goods or means of transport to enter or leave the country. The ports in
our country are divided into two categories. Category-1 ports refer to
those ports which have been opened upon the approval of the State Council
(including those administered by the Central Government and some of the
ports administered by the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
directly under the Central Government); category-2 ports refer to those
ports which have been opened upon approval by the people's governments at
the provincial level and are administered by them.
2. The opening and closing of ports shall be announced and executed after
the examination and approval by the State Council or the people's
governments at the provincial level.
3. Organs in charge of frontier inspection, Customs, harbour
superintendency, quarantine, quarantine for animals and plants, commodity
inspection, etc., as well as other port organs stipulated by State shall
be set up at the open ports according to the actual needs.
4. Criteria for the division of the two categories of ports:
(1) The following are category-1 ports:
A. ports open to vessels, planes, vehicles and other means of transport of
foreign nationality used to transport passengers and goods into or out of
China through sea, land or air;
B. ports for use only by Chinese vessels, planes and vehicles transporting
passengers and goods out of or into the country through sea, land or air;
C. spots on the sea within our territorial waters where vessels of foreign
nationality are allowed to enter or leave for the purpose of delivering
(2) The following are category-2 ports:
A. spots for loading and unloading, starting shipment and delivering goods
for Chinese vessels engaged in foreign trade where the formalities for
exit and entry inspection and examination are conducted by personnel sent
from other ports;
B. ports where border trade in small amounts and contacts between people
are carried out with local governments of neighbouring countries;
C. ports restricted to the exit or entry of the local residents in the
border areas.
5. The procedures for report and approval:
(1) Category-1 ports: the relevant ministries (or bureaus) or the people's
governments of the provinces where the harbours, wharves, stations,
airports and thoroughfares in question are situated shall, after
consultation with the military area commands, submit the application to
the State Council for approval, with copies of the application sent to the
Leading Group for Port Affairs of the State Council, the Headquarters of
the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army and the relevant
competent departments.
(2) Category-2 ports: The people's governments of the regions where the
ports in question are situated shall first obtain the agreement of the
military area commands concerned and the Navy, and hold consultations with
the units in charge of port inspection and examination. Applications shall
then be submitted to the people's governments at the provisional level for
approval, with copies of which sent to the Leading Group for Port Affairs
under the State Council and the relevant competent departments for the
6. The following materials should be attached to application for opening a
(1) A feasibility report, the materials concerning the basic conditions of
the ports, the volume of passenger transport and freight volume in the
last three years, and the potential economic results and the prospects for
(2) The plan for the establishment of such port organs as offices in
charge of inspection and examination, offices for port affairs and
branches of the Bank of China, according to the task for transporting
passengers and goods.
(3) Plans for constructing inspection and examination grounds and for
building facilities for office work and the daily life of the staff
members, as well as investment budget and source of funds.
7. Final check-up and acceptance before a port is opened:
(1) Before a new port is opened, the establishment of organs and the
provisions of staff members of offices in charge of traffic safety, for
telecommunications, combined inspection and examination as well as
facilities for office work and daily life must go through the procedure of
final check-up and acceptance. New ports may be opened only after the
facilities are finally checked and accepted.
(2) The office of the Leading Group for Port Affairs of the State Council
shall be responsible for the check-up and acceptance of category-1 ports.
The offices for port affairs in the provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the Central Government or other competent
departments in charge of port affairs shall be responsible for the check-
up and acceptance of category-2 ports.
8. The competence for examination and approval of applications for
temporarily entry and exit at the non-open areas of our country:
(1) Applications by vessels of Chinese or foreign nationality for
temporarily entry or exit at non-open harbours or coastal waters of China
shall be examined and approved by the Ministry of Communications and
reported to the Leading Group for Port Affairs of the State Council for
the record. Before the applications are submitted for approval, the
agreement of the competent authorities for military affairs, the local
people's governments and the relevant units in charge of examination and
inspection shall be obtained, and the details of the examination and
inspection work shall be arranged.
(2) Applications by civil planes of Chinese or foreign nationality for
temporarily take-offs or landings at China's non-open airports shall be
examined and approved by the Civil Aviation Administration of China,
which, however, should obtain the agreement of the competent authorities
for military affairs. Applications by non-civil planes shall be examined
and approved by the competent authorities for military affairs. Both kinds
of applications must be reported to the Leading Group for Port Affairs of
the State Council for the record. Before the applications are submitted
for approval, the agreement of the local people's governments and the
relevant departments for examination and inspection should be obtained,
and the details of the examination and inspection work shall be arranged.
(3) Applications by vehicle and personnel of Chinese or foreign
nationality for temporarily entry and exit at our non-open border areas on
land shall be examined and approved by the people's governments at the
provincial level. Before the applications are submitted for approval, the
agreement of the relevant provincial military area command and the
department of public security shall be obtained, and the details of the
examination and inspection work shall be arranged.
9. New ports shall be opened according to the relevant State or local
plans. The competent departments under the State Council, and the
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
Central Government, shall send plans (drafts) of opening ports to the
Leading Group for Port Affairs of the State Council two months before a
planned year begins, with copies sent to the State Planning Commission,
the Ministry of Labour and Personnel and the relevant competent
departments of the units in charge of inspection and examination.
10. The sources of funds for building facilities for inspection and
examination at the open ports:
(1) The Central Government shall be responsible for providing the funds
for the ports under its administration. The local people's governments
shall be responsible for providing funds for the ports under their
(2) Where grounds for combined inspection and examinations are needed in
such port construction projects (including projects with foreign
investment and Chinese and foreign equity joint-venture projects) as
harbours, wharves, railway stations and airports (including those which
have been transformed from military airports used for both military and
civilian purposes) as well as in such projects as newly-built operation
areas at old ports and new harbour areas in economic development zones,
the construction of these grounds shall be incorporated into the plans of
the main projects of the prescribed harbours, wharves, railway stations
and airports. The investment needed for the construction of these grounds
shall be incorporated in the investment for the main projects. The
competent departments for port construction projects shall organize the
relevant units to carry out research on the investment structure for the
construction of the facilities for office work and for the daily life of
the staff members (including dormitories) of the units in charge of
inspection and examination and present itemized reports to the State
Planning Commission for examination and approval. After the approval is
obtained, the investment shall be transferred to the provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the
ports are situated. The local people's governments shall be responsible
for the unified planning, designing and construction of the ports. Where
military airports are to be transformed into airports for both military
and civilian purposes, agreement should be obtained from the Air Force or
the Navy beforehand. In the case that the construction is to be carried
out within the airports, the units responsible for the construction may
submit draft plans, which shall be incorporated in the unified plans of
the Air Force or the Navy.
(3) Where the existing harbours, wharves, railway stations and airports
directly under the administration of various ministries (or bureaus) need
to be opened, the grounds for combined inspection and examination for
these ports shall, in principle, be set up by making use of the existing
buildings and facilities. If it is necessary to extend the original
buildings or build new grounds for combined inspection and examination,
the competent departments for the harbours, wharves, railway stations and
airports shall be responsible for the investment. The investment for the
construction of the facilities for office work and the daily life of the
staff members (including dormitories) of the units in charge of inspection
and examination shall, in principle, be provided by their respective
competent departments. In the extreme cases of difficulty with respect to
investment, the State or the local governments may provide appropriate
subsidies. The investment shall be turned over to the relevant people's
governments, which are held responsible for the completion of the
(4) The local people's governments shall be responsible for the investment
and construction of the grounds for combined inspection and examination
and the infrastructure facilities for office work and the daily life of
the staff members (including dormitories) of the units in charge of
inspection and examination, which are needed in their newly-opened ports.
(5) The construction plans and sources of investment for international
seamen's clubs shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of
Paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of this Article.
(6) The means of transport, instruments, equipment, etc., needed by the
units in charge of inspection and examination shall be provided by their
respective competent departments.
(7) Within grounds for combined inspection and examination, the rooms for
office work and other related purposes (including water, electricity and
inner-city telephone) which have been assigned to the units in charge of
inspection and examination shall be provided free of charge by the
business units of the harbours, wharves, railway stations and airports
(including those used for both military and civilian purposes).
11. These Provisions shall be interpreted by the office of the Leading
Group for Port Affairs of the State Council.